How to Prevent Winter Sewage Spills From Oils, Fats and Grease

Posted on: November 21, 2014 | By: Michael T. | Raw sewage clean up San Francisco

Raw sewage clean up San Francisco

How to Prevent Winter Sewage Spills From Oils, Fats and Grease

The holidays are coming, and you may be committing the same mistake every San Francisco homeowner makes while cooking that big holiday meal. In particular, cooking turkey and gravy creates fats, oils and grease, which wash down the drain during cleanup and ruin sewer lines.

Rich holiday meals are some of the primary causes of sewage spills in the winter months. Greasy scraps stick to the inside of sewer lines and build up over time, creating clogs.

If you have a backed up drain, call Allied Restoration Company today at 415-529-5637.

Backed up Pipes Can Lead to Raw Sewage Cleanup

When a pipe is clogged or backed up, untreated sewage can flow into local creeks and storm drains that feed into the San Francisco Bay, which not only harms the marine ecosystem but also threatens the wildlife. While the California Environmental Protection Agency is currently working on improving the water quality, there are still a few steps you can take to help.

Here are a few tips for preventing water damage from winter sewage spills:

  • Pour cooled grease, fats and oils into a can or a cup with a lid, and then dispose of it in the trash.
  • Do not use the garbage disposal or hot water to wash grease down the drain.
  • Wipe off greasy pans, pots and other dishes with a paper towel prior to putting them in your sink.
  • Try dropping off used cooking oil at recycling locations throughout San Francisco and the East Bay.

For cooking oil recycling locations, visit

The Risks Associated With Raw Sewage Spills

It is important to leave San Francisco raw sewage cleanup to the professionals because of the dangerous risks involved. These include exposure to bacteria, such as E. coli, and other pathogenic organisms, the risk of contaminating the entire building, and the risk of damaging the plumbing structures and other properties.

Several illnesses can also arise from contact with sewage. Diseases that result from contact with raw sewage include Cryptosporidium and Giardia, Hepatitis A, Gram Negative Bacteria, Leptospirosis and Tetanus.

Call a Raw Sewage Cleanup Specialist Today

Allied Restoration Company can provide efficient and professional sewage cleanup services to any home in San Francisco. If you’ve been an unfortunate victim of a sewage backup or clog, don’t hesitate to call us at 415-529-5637. Allied Restoration also provides complete remediation services for property that has fallen victim to sewage spills.